特朗普的主张:“约翰(John)–约翰·拉特克利夫(John Ratcliffe),他是一位出色的DNI。他说,这对他们俩(俄罗斯和伊朗)来说都是共同的一件事,他们俩都希望您输掉,因为没有人比这更难对付了制裁之间有俄罗斯。没有人比我对俄罗斯更强硬。”
事实核查:虽然目前尚不清楚特朗普的国家情报总监约翰·拉特克利夫(John Ratcliffe)是否亲自告诉他,俄罗斯希望他将输掉即将举行的大选,但这种说法将与美国情报委员会的决定相抵触。
拉特克利夫(Ratcliffe)在周三晚间的新闻发布会上透露,伊朗和俄罗斯最近均获得了选民登记数据,以协助他们干预2020年大选,而伊朗分别是“本周发给民主党选民的一系列威胁电子邮件的幕后黑手” ”他说,“这旨在威吓选民,煽动社会动荡并损害特朗普总统。”
美国官员还向美国广播公司新闻台(ABC News)指出,俄罗斯在2016年和2020年的干预努力无论在范围和复杂程度上都远远超过伊朗。
Fact check: Trump says he was told by DNI that both Iran and Russia want him to lose the election
TRUMP'S CLAIM: "Through John, who is -- John Ratcliffe, who is fantastic, DNI. He said the one thing that's common to both of them (Russia and Iran), they both want you to lose because there has been nobody tougher to Russia with -- between the sanctions. Nobody tougher than me on Russia."
FACT CHECK: While it is unclear whether Trump's director of national intelligence, John Ratcliffe, told him personally that Russia hopes he would lose the upcoming election, such a statement would contradict what the U.S. intelligence committee has determined.
In August, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence assessed "that Russia is using a range of measures to primarily denigrate former Vice President Biden and what it sees as an anti-Russia 'establishment.'” The office has never stated publicly that Russia hopes Biden will lose the upcoming election.
As for Iran, the office said it determined the country in its interference efforts "seeks to undermine U.S. democratic institutions, Trump, and to divide the country in advance of the 2020 elections."
Ratcliffe in a Wednesday evening news conference revealed both Iran and Russia recently obtained voter registration data in their efforts to interfere in the 2020 election, and that Iran was separately behind "a series of threatening emails that were found to be sent this week to Democratic voters," which he said was "designed to intimidate voters, incite social unrest and damage President Trump."
But Democratic leaders have argued Ratcliffe may have inflated Iran's motivations relating to Trump and instead the country was seeking more broadly to sow chaos in the U.S. democratic process.
U.S. officials have also characterized to ABC News that Russia’s interference efforts both in 2016 and 2020 far exceed that of Iran’s in both scope and complexity.